The Jackaroo 4WD Club provides FREE in-house training for its members covering the basic elements of four wheel driving.
The training course used by the Jackaroo 4WD Club comprises of a full day of theory, a practical day plus a club trip specifically tailored to allow members to put into practice the basic skills learned on the first practical day.
Course Summary : Covers
- Structural and main handling differences between a conventional 2WD and a 4WDvehicle
- Factors affecting tyre size, fitment, type, rating and pressure.
- Recovery hooks and mounting features are correctly identified.
- Hazards associated with incorrect use of a vehicle are identified.
- Vehicle pre departure checks – internal, external, under bonnet, and underneath.
- Safe loading practices.
- 4WD vehicles correctly and safely operated both on and off-road on formed tracks.
- Smooth accelerator control strategies.
- Recommended braking techniques.
- 4WD low and high range selection.
- Track survey and best route selection with regard to safety and minimal impact on the environment.
- Selecting the appropriate 4WD range and gear in different terrain types and obstacles.
- Stall key start recovery technique.
- Vehicle checks on route.
- Repairs to damaged track are performed if necessary.
- Convoy rules.
- Use a single snatch strap to recover a 4WD vehicle.
- Perform maintenance and minor Repairs on a 4WD vehicle.
- Changing a wheel on uneven ground.
- Plan for minimal environmental impact.
- Interpret weather conditions to determine suitability for activity.
- Select suitable navigation equipment where necessary.
- Determine food and water requirements for journey.
- Plan Outdoor Recreation Activities.
- Responsible 4WDriving and Code of Ethics.
The above course is modelled on ‘Drive and Recover a Four Wheel Drive Vehicle SRO DRV 001B’, which incorporates Plan Outdoor Rercreation Activities SRO ODR 002A. This nationally accredited course is part of the Outdoor Recreation Industry Training Package (SRO03) and is the minimum standard for our club driver training . Each trainee will be asked to purchase a copy of the trainee manual developed by the Australian Four Wheel Drive Council (ANFWC). At the end of the course candidates are issued with a statement of attendance.
The Jackaroo 4WD Club is affiliated with 4WD NSW and ACT. They have a Driver Training Unit (DTU) registered to train the above mentioned course and has qualified assessors that can issue statement of attainment to those who are deemed to be competent. Drivers who have 4WD experience can apply to be assessed without any further training.
Arrangements can be made through our Club trainer for candidates to be trained and/or assessed by DTU personnel. for a small charge.